We have created a protocol for open sinus lifting. This textbook has gathered the practical experience of the surgical team of the Refformat clinic. It was developed by the scientific department of the clinic under the leadership of Maxim Vladimirovich Khyshov.

Sinus lifting protocol

We have prepared a training manual for young doctors who are beginning to master surgical dentistry. The tutorial will tell you in detail about the operation of open sinus lifting. We have described the entire process of surgical treatment: from the initial consultation and the algorithm of surgical manipulations to the postoperative management of the patient.
Indications and contraindications
Bone Height
More than 6 mm
One-step operation Implantation with closed sinus lifting
Closed Sinus-lifting Implantation
Bone Height
2– 5 mm
Open sinus lifting Implantation
One-step operation Implantation with open sinus lifting
Bone Height
Less than 2 mm
Open sinus lifting Delayed implantation
Two-stage operation Implantation 4−6 months after open sinus lifting
Absolute contraindications
Heart attack or stroke
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Obtaining the conclusion of a cardiologist 6 months after the onset of the disease
Conditions for implantation
We are waiting for 6 months from the beginning of the disease
Our recommendations
Diseases of the endocrine system
Our recommendations

Consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist.
Conclusion and control tests after stabilization of the condition
Conditions for implantation
А. Daily glucose fluctuations are less than 3 mmol/ml. At the same time, the glucose value is less than 8 mmol/ml, glycated hemoglobin is less than 7.5 mmol/ml
Б. Normalization of calcitonin levels
Radiation/chemotherapy in the anamnesis
Oncological diseases
Our recommendations

If the maxillofacial area is irradiated, implantation is not possible In other cases, we are waiting 6 months
Conditions for implantation
Obtaining an oncologist’s opinion 6 months after the onset of the disease
Reception of bisphosphonates
Our recommendations

Consultation of the attending physician about substitution therapy for a long time, more than 6 months
Conditions for implantation
Cancellation of bisphosphonates 6 months before implantation. The conclusion of the attending physician. Stabilization of biochemical parameters
A. Diabetes mellitus:
glucose more than 10, glycated hemoglobin more than 8 mmol/ml Daily fluctuations in glucose levels more than 2 mmol/ml;
Б. Diseases of the thyroid gland
Relative contraindications
Age before 18
Herpetic rashes
We are planning implantation after pregnancy.
In case of acute inflammatory pathology, we remove the tooth at any stage of pregnancy.
The antibiotic amoxicillin is compatible with breastfeeding. During lactation, bone resorption prevails over osteogenesis. In our practice, no significant differences were found during implantation.
In the acute stage, we do not perform implantation.
The candidate’s age is determined by skeletal maturation, not passport age. The closure of the main growth zones is determined by the X-ray of the hand. We perform implantation after the closure of growth zones.
Acute infectious processes in the oral cavity
Specific diseases
During the period of deterioration of the general condition of the body
Infectious diseases
2-3 days before the operation, we perform oral sanitation and prescribe rational anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy.
Implantation is carried out in consultation with the attending physician.
Implantation is carried out in consultation with the attending physician. Rational antibiotic therapy is important.
Implantation is performed after stabilization of the condition. With arterial hypertension, in consultation with the attending physician, under sedation and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.
Example: cold, flu, high blood pressure.
Example: with viral liver damage, fluoroquinolones are allowed: Levofloxacin, Clinafloxacin, Ofloxacin, – and penicillin group antibiotics: Ampicillin, Ampisid, Ampic, Azlocillin.
Example: syphilis, actinomycosis.
The first days of the women’s cycle
Cosmetic injections
The pain threshold and blood clotting are reduced. We recommend postponing surgical procedures for a few days.
We recommend postponing the operation for 7−10 days, the formation of hematomas is possible.
Polypous changes in the sinus mucosa (photo 1).
Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis.
Relative local contraindications
Multiple caries, poor oral hygiene is a source of infection. We’ll talk about this later.
Obstruction of the natural anastomosis – the ostiomeatal complex (photo 2).
Anomalies and underdevelopment of the facial skeleton, flattening of the middle third of the face and underdevelopment of the maxillary sinuses.
Allergic rhinitis, pollinosis.
We refer the patient to an ENT doctor, then proceed to surgery.
An artery running along the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus.
On the CBCT, when planning surgery, we note the position of the artery. When performing an open sinus lift, we bypass it to avoid profuse bleeding.
Artery in the wall

Osteomeatal complex — this is a natural fistula between the nasal passages and the maxillary sinus. Its permeability affects healing.
Osteomeatal complex
Choosing the optimal position of the implant in the bone
Upper jaw
Preoperative preparation and planning
We find out the patient's complaints and expectations. It is important to discuss the duration and stages of treatment, inform about possible complications.
We collect information about the bad habits and chronic diseases of the patient.
The orthopedic doctor makes a comprehensive treatment plan. The implantologist surgeon plans implantation.
Collecting anamnesis and talking with the patient
Сбор анамнеза, обсуждение ожиданий пациента, знакомство
Данные внешнего осмотра челюстно-лицевой области
Диагностика патологий ВНЧС, особенности открывания рта
Biotype and condition of soft tissues
Dental formula
The required amount of oral cavity sanitation before implantation
Examination of the oral cavity
Осмотр слизистой оболочки полости рта и красной каймы губ
Sufficient interalveolar height in the implantation area
Прикус, его патологии, зубная формула
План лечения, этапность хирургии, ортопедии, терапии
Bone height in the implantation area
Proximity of the maxillary sinus
Proximity of the mandibular nerve
Snapshot Analysis
The presence of inflammation, cysts, fractures of the tooth
The presence of several chambers, sept in the sinus
Bone height in the implantation area
Proximity of the maxillary sinus
The presence of inflammation, cysts, fractures of the tooth
Analysis of a three-dimensional image of a cone-beam tomography
The presence of several chambers, sept in the sinus
Thickness of the cortical layer
Spongy bone density (a tool in the viewer)
Resorption of the cortical plate
Thickness of the vestibular bone
Discussion of the need for treatment under sedation
Indications for treatment under sedation are
A large volume of surgical intervention
Burdened allergoanamnesis
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, stomatophobia
The operation time is more than 90 minutes
90 minutes is the average time of infiltration anesthesia, after which blood circulation is well restored
Necessary analyses
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Detailed biochemical blood analysis
General blood test
The analysis for hospitalization is an analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B and C.
How not to conduct an initial appointment
How not to conduct an initial appointment
Occlusal and side mirror
Soft tissue retractors
ISO 100
Photo protocol
Aperture F22-29
Shutter speed 1/160
You will need:
Camera Settings for Canon:
Why conduct a photo protocol
Front photo with retractors. You are not bending over the patient, but asking him to turn around.
You take side photos without removing the retractors, but only loosening the tension on the opposite side. Focus on premolars.
Camera angles of the photo protocol
How to cover the operating table
How to process a patient
Aseptics and antiseptics
Hand Preparation
How to set up the operating table
Instruments for the operating table
Lowering handpiece 1\20
Step-up handpiece
Suture material
Needle holder
Korntsang for processing the face and oral cavity of the patient
Carpules with anesthetic
Farabeuf Hook/Minnesota Retractor
Sterile saliva ejectors with adapter
Curved tweezers
Anatomical tweezers
Universal curette
Curette spoon
Sickle trowel
Periodontal probe
Dental rasp (xyster)
Scalpel and disposable blades 15C, 12D
Metal bowl for collecting autobones
Carpool syringe
Sterile gauze wipes
Antiseptic preparation for the treatment of the patient’s hands and face
We also use:
Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.2%
Bone-plastic material Bio-Oss or other osteoconductive dispersed material
Implantology Kit
Equipment for the operation
Liston centrifuge, model C 2204. We use it in the 3000 rpm mode, 20 minutes to make a PRF membrane.
This centrifuge is a matter of pride of Russian production.
Spherical boron. The tip. We choose a speed of 900−1000 revolutions per minute, irrigation. Select the reverse mode so as not to injure the sinus mucosa.
Tools for creating a bone window
It is important — the revolutions can reach 1300 if the thickness of the vestibular bone is more than 2 mm, before the mucosa begins to shine through. We choose up to 1300 revolutions per minute if the thickness of the vestibular bone is more than 2 mm.
For novice doctors, we recommend starting at 700 revolutions per minute. Alternatively, we use a bone scraper to gain access to the sinus and collect bone tissue. If you are performing an open sinus lifting operation for the first time, start with 700 revolutions per minute.
Tools for peeling the Schneider membrane
Blunt Sinus-Lift Elevator (9560) working part
Kohler 3604
working part
Sinus lift curette (black line) working part

Blunt Sinus-Lift Elevator (9560)
Protocol for step-by-step creation of access to the sinus
The anesthetic capsule is divided into 5−7 injections in order to avoid hydraulic fracturing of the underlying tissues.
Conducting anesthesia
1−1.5 carpules are injected from the vestibular side according to the type of infiltration anesthesia. We conduct conducting anesthesia in the area of the large palatine opening. 1/3 of the capsule is injected from the palatine side.
PRF/ Platelet Rich Fibrin is a fibrin clot enriched with platelets.
After anesthesia, we take 8 ml of venous blood to make PRF, use a 9 ml Vacuum tube with filler. Under the influence of adrenaline, the membrane turns out to be of better quality than when taking blood before anesthesia.
Manufacturing of PRF membrane
According to the personal practice of the anesthesiologists of the clinic Refformat.
Blood is centrifuged at a speed of 3000 rpm for 10 minutes.
Accelerates healing and improves regeneration.
The durable fibrin matrix contains: High platelet concentration — 90%, High-concentration platelet growth factors (PDGF), Vascular Endothelial (VEGF) Transforming (TGF) fibronectin, vitronectin and thrombospondin.
L-PRF is a fibrin rich in leukocytes and platelets
For open sinus lifting, 1 membrane is needed. If you install implants in the wells of the removed teeth, then 1−3 membranes are needed for each well.
We recommend squeezing the membrane of excess fluid and removing the erythrocyte residue. Before placing the membrane into the wound surface, we prepare it. Cut off the erythrocyte residue and squeeze out the excess fluid.
The horizontal incision shifted to the palate by 1−2 mm relative to the middle of the alveolar process for better regeneration of soft tissues in the postoperative period. Vertical laxative incision upwards. To the hillock of the upper jaw or through the gingival groove of the molar, without damaging the peak of the papilla.
In the medial direction, it passes into an intracerebral incision in the premolar region (if present) or canine.
Small spherical boron up to 1.5 mm in diameter. Rotation speed 1000 rpm, reverse for atraumatic work. The window size is from 8−9 mm, BUT NOT MORE THAN 1.5 cm. With a large volume, it is better to make two windows at a distance from each other than one large one.
The darker the Schneider membrane in the preparation area, the thinner the membrane and the increased risk of perforation. If it is light, we suspect polyposis and check with the CBCT. With a sickle-shaped ironer, we remove the prepared bone fragment, after completing the open sinus, we will return it to its place.
Full-layer flap.
Chips from a scraper the chips are placed in a cup on a sterile table filled with saline.
DO NOT use a bone scraper with a thin cortical plate.
Alternative access
Alternative access
There are no sharp and rough movements - we delicately collect bone chips.
Peel off the full-layer flap
With a sickle-shaped ironer, we remove the prepared bone fragment, after completing the open sinus, we will return it to its place.
Alternative access: piezosurgery
Alternative access with a golden pine forest
With piezo nozzles (must have a spherical working part) carefully dissect the bone tissue
Peeling of the membrane
The dark color of the membrane indicates its small thickness and the risk of perforation
Grey membrane color - denser, low risk of perforation
With the first movement, we gently start the instrument in the lower part of the bone window, with smooth movements we disconnect the membrane from the bone from the inside of the sinus
We are moving simultaneously in three directions, that is, the first movement forward, the second in the medial direction, the third — in the distal
The detached membrane represents the upper boundary for the installation of the implant, the location of the bone plastic material
We conduct a nasal-oral test.
We introduce bone-plastic material, install the implant and insert a collagen sponge soaked in physical solution.
The working part of the tool always rests on the bone when peeling. It is impossible to move the tool without fixing it on the bone!
Naso-oral test
Peeling of the membrane
The sponge should be moistened with saline or liquid from L-prf.
When applying, we hold it with tweezers, we start it inside the sinuses with a spoon.
The introduction of a collagen sponge to hold the sinus membrane at the desired level
If it is necessary to remove teeth, then it is carried out before sinus lifting.
In this protocol, we analyze implantation in the adentia zone. If you are going to be implanted in the wells of removed teeth, please refer to our protocol of immediate implantation.
Formation of the bed for implant placement
We collect the autobone from the drill turns and when using a bone scraper.
In a metal bowl, mix with bone-plastic material, 1:1.
Collecting of the autobone during the formation of the bed
Moisten the bone material with saline or liquids with a fraction of PRF.
With a large amount of work (bilateral extensive sinus lifting), additionally, using bone traps, we take the bone from the outer oblique line on the lower jaw.
We pass with a forming cutter for the entire length of the implant, mode 500-700 rpm.
Basic drilling: 250 rpm, no irrigation for bone collection.
The scheme of the formation of the bed for the implant
It is important to check the position of the implant with a parallelism pin at each stage of drilling.
Прецизионное сверло Precision Drill (дополнительно)
Пилотное сверло
Drill with tip Tapered, Ø 2,0 мм
Индикатор направления
Direction indicator
Корневидное сверло
Tapered Drill, Ø 3,5 мм
Корневидное сверло Tapered Drill, Ø 4,3 мм
We do not use a finishing drill.
Parallelism check and relationships with teeth antagonists.
Collecting of bones.
Application of material
We introduce a mixture of autologous bone with Bio Oss in the proportion of 60% to 40% (if the height of the alveolar ridge is less than 3 mm).
We use granules of osteoplastic material no larger than 2 mm, since large granules are prone to exposure.
We check the absence of contact of the implant with the membrane, the top of the implant should be at the level with the osteoplastic material. We take this into account when choosing the length of the implant.
We observe how the material is saturated with blood before suturing.
We introduce a mixture of autologous bone and Bio-oss into the sinus area BEFORE installing an implant for the framework support of the sinus mucosa.
Surgical stage
We use a ratchet key (ratchet) for the final positioning of the implant.
Deepen the implant into the bone. An implant with a polished neck requires minimal penetration.
Installation of the implant
An implant with a rough neck is deepened by 1.5-2.5 mm.
The implant with a polished neck is deepened. 0.5-1 mm below the level of the bone.
Determination of the depth of penetration
Greater implant depth with a polished neck is possible to increase the biological width.
When conducting an open sinus lift, we work in the area of chewing teeth, this area is not aesthetically significant. We do not install temporary orthopedic constructions at once until osseointegration occurs. •The shaper is installed at a torque of more than 30 n/cm and in the absence of antagonists.
<15 H/cm2
Stability value
Cover screw
Possible suprastructure
25-30 H/cm2
Short gum former, minimum chewing load
Stability value
Possible suprastructure
<35 H/cm2
It is possible to make a crown (aesthetically significant area). The temporary crown is NOT involved in the bite
Stability value
Possible suprastructure
<70 H/cm2
Avoid such values, perform bone decompression
Stability value
Possible suprastructure
  1. Gingival sulcus.
  2. Epithelial attachment (most) goes to the polished neck or abutment. (which should be well polished).
  3. Connective tissue attachment to a rough surface.
  4. Biological width.
Concept of biological width
We introduce the PRF membrane into the window area, slightly moving it beyond the edges of the window to fix it.
Distribute PRF one tube per window.
We squeeze the membrane that closes the window. It impregnates the bone-plastic material.
Suturing with interrupted sutures without tension synthetic monofilament thread of medium or long term resorption based on glyconate (e.g. Monosyn 5/0).
We sutured with vertical mattress sutures in the region of the papillae.
If the clinic does not have a tomograph, a standard OPTG. This is the minimum you need to do.
CBCT after surgery
Postoperative management
Amoxiclav 875 mg.
Omez 1 tab.
Dexamethasone 2 tab.
1 tab 2 times a day for 7 days OR sumamed for 3−5 days. With perforation or inflammation in the sinus, a penicillin series for 10 days, sumamed for 5 days.
1 time per day for 3 days from tomorrow.
30 minutes in the morning Before meals for the duration of the antibiotic.
Ibuprofen 400 mg.
For the first 48 hours
Quitting smoking
Oral baths
For pain - 1 tab.
Apply ice every 2 hours for 20 minutes in the area of ​​the operation.
With an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine 0.02% (Paradontax) from tomorrow 3-4 times a day after meals for 5 seconds. until the sutures are completely removed.
Within 2 weeks.
Brush the teeth
Do not blow your nose
In the area of ​​the operation only with a surgical soft toothbrush from tomorrow for 10 days.
But blot your nose.
Sneeze with your mouth open
Do not go to the sauna for 10-14 days
Do not fly on an airplane and do not dive for 2 weeks (so that the pressure in the sinus does not increase). Do not dive until fully healed or cleared by your doctor - usually about 3-4 months; It is important to avoid physical activity for 2-3 days to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. It rises in all vessels at the same time and a high value can lead to bleeding.
Do not lie in a hot bath, do not consume very hot food and drinks - we avoid local and general heat loads. From overheating, vasodilation will occur, which can provoke bleeding, and it is easy to burn the surgical wound with hot food.
Coordination with an ENT specialist
Topical steroids
(beclomethasone, mometasone, fluticasone) 2 doses 2 times a day for the duration of the antibiotic for swelling (Nasonex).
An antibiotic
is prescribed a few hours before surgery — with a polypous process 36 hours before (3 tablets before surgery). If not, in the morning on the day of the operation, 1 tablet of amoxiclav 875 mg.
Vasoconstrictor drugs
(Xylometazoline, Naphthyzin, Otrivin) are not recommended, because due to local vasospasm, the concentration of the antibiotic in the surgical area is reduced.
Taking antibiotics

for at least 7 days with standard surgery protocol (open sinus lift, with closed sinus lift 5 days), 10-14 days in the presence of perforation.
Removal of sutures after 14 days
Follow-up examination 5-6 weeks after suture removal
Follow-up examination + OPTG or CT scan after 3 months with a stability of more than 30 n/cm
Postoperative management of the patient
Follow-up examination + OPTG or CT scan after 5-6 months with stability less than 30 n/cm, native bone height less than 2 mm, then implant opening. After 10 days, the removal of sutures and the orthopedic stage
Even with a primary stability of more than 30 n/cm, the orthopedic stage is not earlier than 4 months after the operation!
The most common complication during surgery is perforation of the membrane of the maxillary sinus.
During the operation
Perforation of the membrane
Action algorithm and the principle of perforation closure depends on the size of the defect:
We use a hemostatic sponge and a PRP membrane ((using a membrane (collagen or demineralized laminae) or fibrin glue)
Perforation up to 5 mm
First, peel off the Schneiderian membrane as much as possible, if necessary, expand the window towards the perforation in the bone up to 1cm2 or make an additional window.
Perforation f from 5mm to 10mm
Peel off the membrane as much as possible, fill the defect with a hemostatic sponge and sutured hermetically, the implant is not installed, re-call after 2.5 months, fresh CT scan and implant.
Perforation more than 10 mm
Perforation more than 10 mm
With proper management of perforation, its presence does not affect the success of the operation!
We plug the sinus with a collagen sponge to a negative nasal test.
We do not use osteoplastic material to avoid its spread through the sinus.
Sinus Conservation Algorithm
Signs: complaints of swelling, pain that increases when the head is tilted, possibly fever, weakness.
On examination: the lymph nodes are enlarged on the side of the performed manipulations, painful on palpation, swelling along the transitional fold in the area of ​​the previously performed sinus lifting.
Early infection: we check the safety of the sutures, determine the purulent discharge in the area of ​​the sutures.
After surgery: Sinusitis
We carry out a puncture in the window area, so we determine the pathological discharge in the sinus. We expand with a small incision in the presence of a discharge. We wash the wound with chlorhexidine solution 0.05% or metronidazole.
We extend the course of the antibiotic Amoxiclav 875 mg for 3 days.
Late infection: we carry out a puncture in the window area, we determine the discharge in the sinus. In the presence of discharge: expand with a small incision, wash the wound with 0.05% chlorhexidine or metronidazole.
We prescribe Sumamed 500 mg, take 1 tablet a day for 6 days.
We prescribe droppers with anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous components - once, with abundant discharge once a day for 3 days.
In case of extension of the process, attachment of the mobility of the implants, we recommend sinus debridement and removal of the implants. In case of a sluggish process and the occurrence of chronic rhinosinusitis without the involvement of implants, we do not remove the implants. We refer the patient to an ENT doctor for endoscopic sinus debridement.
At the stage of suture removal or at the second stage of a two-stage implantation: We remove the gum shaper, tighten the implant and tightly suture the wound. We prescribe Sumamed 500 mg for 3 days, 1 tablet per day.
Manipulation is advisable when mobility occurs in the first two weeks after surgery and when the patient needs help during the day.
In other situations, we remove the implant.
After surgery: Mobility of implants
After surgery: Bleeding
After surgery: Bleeding
Blood pressure control
After stabilization
Locally: cold, cauterize the wound surface in case of capillary bleeding (for example, Kaprofer) or bandage the vessel in case of injury.
If bleeding continues after stabilization of blood pressure parameters, use Dicinon: 2 tablets per day, course up to 3 days.
History of thrombophlebitis, heart attack, stroke.
We perform CBCT and assess the location of the implant. If it lies close to the osteomeatal complex, we refer the patient to an ENT doctor.
After surgery: Implant migration
If the implant is located in the hole or next to it, we remove the implant by intraoral access. In case of any doubts, we send the patient to an ENT doctor.
Algorithm of doctor’s actions in case of complications of implant treatment.

We unscrew the plug
Photo protocol
During the inspection, we carry out probing. We place the probe in the hole of the plug or shaper and shake it, assessing the mobility of the implant. Before probing, check that the plug or shaper is securely screwed to the implant.
We carry out a photo protocol in the frontal, lateral and occlusal projections.
Unscrew the plug, install the Osstell (Penguin) sensor and measure the implant mobility. We enter data into the patient’s card. On average, the stability value of implants is about 70 ISQ units (ISQ).

In other cases
Mobility was determined at the stage of installation of formers (two-stage implantation): we save the implant.
The implant is mobile and the one-stage operation was less than 14 days ago. If the patient applied immediately (24 hours) in case of discomfort, then we keep the implant.
In other cases, we perform the removal of the implant. It is necessary to invite a nurse to take blood and make a prf membrane.
When saving the implant
When removing the implant
Remove the gingiva former, tighten the implant with low torque values, install the plug, freshen the wound edges and sutured tightly.
Unscrew the implant, perform curettage, insert PRF, sutured if necessary. We fix the data in the map.
Assign sumamed 500 mg
1 tab 1 time per day for 3 days, Omez 1 tab in the morning 3 minutes before meals for 3 days.
Patient's message
When a patient complains of pain or mobility of the implant in the area of ​​the intervention, we examine the patient, draw up a photo protocol and perform CBCT.
Helping people improve their quality of life
2022 © Refformat. All rights reserved
Special thanx to Vlad Koselovskiy for the translation
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